About these Walls of Four

This blog will bring together all my comic work, as well as my general ramblings on film, comics, video games - generally anything that relates to telling a story. I will update it with stories, strips and and new publications and prints I produce. I'm also an avid b-movie fan, and will share my love of all things shlock on here, through reviews and updates on my growing collection.

My passion is storytelling. I live for the action, the tender emotions and the punchlines. For me, what's important in the stories I tell is that they are engaging and fun, and should have a deeper meaning. A story can be dramatic, ridiculous, scary, funny, slow paced or even some coked-up, hyper-kinetic action strip - but it all needs to be rooted in a well thought out idea.

What I've always liked about comics over other storytelling formats is the fact that anything can happen in a comic, and as long as there's logic and realism within the context of the story and the character, you can get away with it!

But why 'Walls of Four', you ask? I believe that  to tell the best stories, you need to think outside the box, so it's important to know what the limits are - because then you know what to break.

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