28 November, 2015

My God...

...What a cover. What an awful photo.
This just came through the post and I cannot wait to watch it! I bought this on a whim off Ebay - !I'm purposefully not Googling this film or anything, I want to watch it with completely fresh eyes, based solely off the cover. Not even going to read the blurb.

It seems like this is a re-release, and the image is a reworking of the original poster, given a fake worn-poster/VHS look. It's a really nice cover - the green is superb, and really works well with the yellows used in both the highlights and in the background alongside the reds and the oranges.
I'm interested to know what the deal is with the city in the background. What's the deal with the humans wearing very 70's clothing? Is this set on Mars? It mentions Hell in the tagline but I doubt that's literal. What is the beam of light in the background? Is it destroying the city? 

There is also a variant cover on reverse! Simpler design, just the title and the image containing more story information. This was probably the theatrical poster. I'm still not reading the blurb, but feel free to do so. 

I'll give it a watch when I have the time, and maybe this will be my first b-movie review!

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